Sunday 9 January 2011

Parkland Walk. Sunday 9th Jan, 3.15pm

Walked from Finsbury Park to beyond Crouch Hill along abandoned railway line known as Parkland Walk, with Katie, Linus and Edie. Bright sunshine, though quite cold. At the start of the walk, I asked the way of a woman, who told me to look out for the sculpture at the disused station. We reached the disused station and met her again as she came back the other way -- she asked if we had seen the sculpture. We hadn't, but as it was just before the station we went back to find it. I really didn't know what to expect – something formal and "proper", probably – a decaying bust of a late 19th century railway bigwig – but certainly not this weird, gothic thing emerging from old arches. I thought it was Pan or Bacchus or someone like that.  But, having now Googled it, it's apparently a 'spriggan' – a legendary creature from Cornish faery lore. They are trouble-makers and thieves. The sculpture was made in 1993 by London sculptor called Marilyn Collins.

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