Tuesday, 4 January 2011

New Year's resolutions (and mission statement!)

I admit it, I've never really made new year's resolutions before. This year, however, I seem to have an endless list of them, including: get more sleep, work less, watch at least one film each week (otherwise why be a member of LOVEFILM?), eat dinner with kids more often, etc etc.

However, the main one is: get some exercise!!

I've thought about joining a gym (and still might), but right now I'm going to try walking to and from the tube every day and going for a brisk lunchtime walk.

Likelihood is I'll fail at all my resolutions. But I had my first lunchtime walk today -- over Waterloo Bridge, past the South Bank Centre, and back across Hungerford Bridge -- and on the way noticed some tree surgeons pruning a very tall tree. Made a stop to take a photo and thought: there's an idea, I could aim to photograph something along the way each day, to give me an added incentive to keep on strollin'.

Then I thought further that I could turn my daily walking into a blog. It would give me further incentive to continue with my good intentions.

We'll see. Sky-high tree surgeon pic to come.

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