Wednesday 19 January 2011

10th Floor, Penguin HQ. Tues 18th Jan, 12.45pm

No walk today, except to the 10th floor, for a lunchtime "lecture" by BBC arts editor Will Gompertz (who is writing a book for Penguin), except it wasn't a lecture as such but a redo of something he'd done at Edinburgh Fringe a while back, which was he pretended to be a supply teacher with the audience as kids, and he did a history of modern art, which was really just an overview of the different art movements from Impressionism through Expressionism, Fauvism, Pointillism, Cubism, Abstract Expressionism, Dada, Surrealism, Suprematism, and so on.

At one point he got us all to draw a penis on a piece of paper in one of the art styles. I chose surrealism (in the style of Magritte).

The performance was funny and good, and I liked the way that it was both him redoing the earlier show, but also telling us how the audience reacted to it previously, which made the whole thing a bit post-modern. He gave us a quiz at the end to test our knowledge.

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